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Do you know this banded Peckoltia species (unknown origin)

Posted: 22 May 2006, 15:02
by bijoux

I have bought these Peckoltia to a french importer, without knowledge of original country. Length : 9-10 cm.
Could you ID these ?



Posted: 22 May 2006, 17:39
by Janne
Maybe this one, .


Posted: 31 May 2006, 13:06
by bijoux
Nobody esle have a clue ?
because Peckoltia are difficult to identify

Thanks you for your help janne

Posted: 31 May 2006, 13:36
by MatsP
I think, without further information (like the country of origin - or at least where it was exported from), you'll struggle to get any better than a "guess based on the coulur pattern", and if Janne says L009, then that's most likely right. Is there any reason you think it's NOT L009?

Whilst it's great when several people confirm that it's a particular species, I think if someone else had a "better" idea, they would have said so.

And as you say, there are pleny of Peckoltia species that are similar in pattern and colour, and they are hard to tell apart from looking at them - knowing the origin will help, but you don't, so that's not working for us in this case.


Posted: 31 May 2006, 23:38
by Deb
I think Mats is absolutely right in every particular, in this case. Getting a number of people to agree on the ID is okay, if there are a lot of people who can do so. Janne is very experienced and I think in this case you can just go by what he says. Other people may not feel confident enough to post on this one. I know I don't.
Very good-looking fish, BTW!
Deborah :D

Posted: 01 Jun 2006, 00:52
by Yann

could be another solution

the problem is that a few species exist with such body pattern and since intraspecificly body pattern can be subject to a lot of differences between individuals it is quite hard to give an accruate id!!


Posted: 09 Jun 2006, 12:36
by bijoux
Thanks for the intel'. I'll contact the vendor for more information. I let you know , Thank you very much
