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My H.Zebra tank

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 19:43
by martin808
This is my H.zebra tank, its a 125l jewel rio with an extra canister filter in ,BD sand,Blue stratta rock,a bit of drift wood and some penn plax silk plants.What do you think?I know its not exactly biotype but aquascaping is not my strong point :!: Do you think I will be able to add anymore :?:

zebra tank

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 20:38
by oneoddfish
most important is what kind of fish do you want to add? If you'r trying to breed you'r zebra's maybe you don't want any other fish in there tank..The tank and fish look really nice!

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 22:53
by Graeme
An inportant answer is Yes very nice tank!! Take your time in adding fish. :D

Nice set up!....Lovely!


Posted: 26 Apr 2003, 17:26
by batho

What is BD sand.

I am keeping several species of Pl*cos in a tank (L205, L141, Bristlenose) and am using small pebbles. Would sand be any benefit?


Posted: 26 Apr 2003, 19:36
by PhilipAsh

BD sand, is a brand of sand packaged for aquarium use.
It doesnt compact down like many sands can do, which causes anaerobic spots and nasty gases.
I have been using it for nearly 2 years in my Zebra tank with great success.


Posted: 26 Apr 2003, 20:13
by SynoPetri
Hi Martin,

nice set up. I like these fish. How many of them are in the tank?

Posted: 27 Apr 2003, 21:04
by martin808
Hi georg,
I have 4 zebras in the tank at the moment ,Im thinking of adding more if I can find them at a good price.I havent seen any recently on my travels if anyone knows anywhere post a reply.
If I did manage to find some more does anyone think they will fight with the existing ones when added?Also what kind of growth rate should I be aiming for?
I dont know if anyone seen my previous post on my zebras losing there tails but if anyone is intrested they have all now regained there beautifull tails

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 06:15
by PhilipAsh

I guess it depends on your idea of reasonable, but there are several shops around the East Midlands that have stocks. Prices start from 40 gbp and rise to 50 gbp.

I don't remember the thread about lost fins, what happenend?
(Maybe point me to the original thread and then tell me how you solved it?)

Many thanks


Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 17:09
by SynoPetri
In Austria they are at about 70 €.

Posted: 28 Apr 2003, 20:46
by martin808
Hi Phillip,
My first thread is on page three of the South American Catfish section about two thirds down called "Zebra pleco more problems".About a month after buying them one by one they started to loose the tip of the caudal fins and one even had a wound on his dorsal,
I added some King british fin clear and the wound got better but it has been a slow process regaining the caudal fin.The advice I got was to raise the temp to 86of and try varying the diet,so the temp went up but they still refuse to eat anything else than bloodworm, artemia and a bit of tetra prima.They are now feeding twice a day and rearly hide unless someone quickly enters the room :!: Which Im very happy about as all the text you read says they are very secretive fish. :D

Posted: 05 May 2003, 09:43
by SynoPetri
Hey Martin, what do you feed your Hypancistrus?

Posted: 16 May 2003, 06:18
by ClayT101
I'm sorry it took me so long to notice this post. From what I have heard, you really need a moderately strong current to breed zebras. This might cause a problem with the sand and the plants. In addition, the strong current may also make it difficult to feed the fish. I have to turn my current off when I feed them frozen food.
Just for reference, I feed mine Frozen Bloodworms, Frozen Brine Shrimp, Frozen Beef Heart, and sinking bottom feeder tablets. I also used to feed them algae tablets about once every week or two, but quit after I ran out.
The tank looks nice though :D