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Unknown cories...

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 05:43
by Ignots

I have a few cories I would like to give the best ID to, any suggestions...?

The first one was a contaminate. It has a very distinctive tail, deeply "v"eed.
The next two were bought as "Mirari". I believe them to be either C. 12, C. 24 or C.sp. Brazil Sharphead. It is kind of a mixed group with the majority of them having a distinctive yellow coloration to the body but, some are lacking the yellow pigmentation.


Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 08:24
by Yann
Hi !

I would say the second is Corydoras leopardus ... us_htm.htm

THe last one is looking a bit like Corydoras gomezi ... zi_htm.htm

No idea regarding the first one!

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 08:58
by Achim

imo both, the 2nd and the 3rd photo show Corydoras leopardus. Although they are a little unusual coloured imo. Regarding C. gomezi: One feature of this species are the missing spots on the snout next to the round isolated spot in the dorsal. Ian's photo of C. gomezi has an isolated spot, but also shows clear spots on the snout which makes the determination doubtful imo (No offense meant Ian).
Concerning the first species: Could (!) be an unusual coloured C. acutus, maybe one of the C-numbers, im not so familiar with them.

Greetings... Achim

Posted: 20 Apr 2003, 19:17
by Coryman
IMO the first one is C. acutus the second two are C. leopardus.

You may be right with the C. gomesi With so many variables its difficult to be100% but it is the nearest I have seen.


Posted: 21 Apr 2003, 16:35
by zac08
Somehow I feel that the 3rd pic should be a trilineatus... due to the patterns and not the dots on the head...

Just my opinions

Posted: 23 Apr 2003, 11:23
by xsu-xsu
A lot of imo's in this message but ...

Imo I think that I'm in agreement with Coryman with the first cory being acutus. Using the Aqualog All Corydoras book (P20) there is a semiadult acutus which looks very similar to the picture.

The second and third ones could be a julii variante II on P49 of the catalogue.

Just my relatively inexperienced opinion of course. I'll leave it to the experts to slate my views of exactly why it can't be acutus or julii!!!

Posted: 23 Apr 2003, 18:53
by Ignots
Hi all,

Thanks for the info everyone is providing. It may not show clearly, but all the pics are of long-nosed cories which negates the julie id.
The 1st pic could very well be the acutus, the tail in the lower rt pic showing much better the deeply v-eed tail which is the detail I was looking for, a very pretty fish. It just a shame only one had come in as a contaminant.
The reason I had suspected the sp. Brazil Sharphead was based on the amount of yellow coloration on most of the group, as seen in the aqualog pic on page 52. Also, the dorsal spot is very indistinct on all of them and the darker ones are very similar to the aqualog pic of C 24 on page 58. The biggest difference in the last 2 would be the number and size of the vertical bars in the caudal fin. One (the yellow form) having 5 wider bars and the other (dark one) having 7-8 narrower ones. These were bought as a group as a new sp "Marari". They are from an exporter from Brazil. I am trying to get a river location for the catchment to help but no luck yet. It would seem to me that for the stated reasons they would be two distinct sp. but it may just be color variables within the one.


Posted: 23 Apr 2003, 19:53
by Yann

Well the Aqualog collection is interesting filled with many beautiful pictures but sure not the best way for ID fish. Too many errors!

Regarding ID Corydoras species, so far the best to do so is here: ... ras%20.htm


Posted: 23 Apr 2003, 20:00
by Coryman
The species known as 'Brazil Sharp nose' was asigned to C50 a fish looking very much like C haraldschultzi but with the top third of the dorsal black pigmented.
