L260 breeding help

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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L260 breeding help

Post by bedwetter »

I have 5 L260 (2 male, 1 female, 2?)in a 55gallon tank, along with a trio of P. maccus and a small L81. I decided to try inducing the L260's to spawn so I started a rainy/dry cycle about 1.5 months ago. The TDS is now down to @90ppm (pH still almost 8.0 ), from a starting point of 350. Cicrulation is @20X/hour. So far, no spawning (but the female appears to be quite gravid). My question is this: will it be possible for them to breed in this catfish community tank, or will I be more likely to have success by moving a pair of them to their own tank? I was hoping that by attempting it the 55 might might be able to get both the l260 and the P. maccus to spawn.

Any hints much appreciated :D

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Post by Janne »

I would suggest you to move one of the males or move a pair to their own tank. Males around the same size disturb and fight each other quite a lot, it takes longer time or prevent them to spawn...there must be more mature females in the tank if more then 1 male are used so both males are more busy trying to entire the females to their caves.

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