Does this cory have finrot???
Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 07:27
Does anyone know what is wrong with this cory? I have had him a couple of months. It is hard to find them in the tank because it is planted and it is at my office and I find my panda cories to be more active at night.
The one pictured above passed away last night but I am treating his tankmate, pictured below with Jungle Anti-Bacterial food and Maracyn:
Can anyone help????
Water Params in his original tank (now in a hospital tank):
Temp 78 degrees
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 5 ppm
Ph - 7.0
The one pictured above passed away last night but I am treating his tankmate, pictured below with Jungle Anti-Bacterial food and Maracyn:
Can anyone help????
Water Params in his original tank (now in a hospital tank):
Temp 78 degrees
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 5 ppm
Ph - 7.0