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Does this cory have finrot???

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 07:27
by kelliope
Does anyone know what is wrong with this cory? I have had him a couple of months. It is hard to find them in the tank because it is planted and it is at my office and I find my panda cories to be more active at night.



The one pictured above passed away last night :( but I am treating his tankmate, pictured below with Jungle Anti-Bacterial food and Maracyn:


Can anyone help????

Water Params in his original tank (now in a hospital tank):

Temp 78 degrees
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 5 ppm
Ph - 7.0

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 15:35
by tricky266
Maybe they (or now he) would be happier with a sand substrate to root around in? Looks a bit bare in there...

Posted: 28 Apr 2006, 17:18
by kelliope
Oh that is just his hospital tank. His regular tank has substrate and many, many plants.

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 16:45
by eupterus
What was he in with, to me it looks like something has nipped the tail fins, no sign of fungus or rot. Also the one that passes away looked emaciated. Is enough food getting to the bottom. Smaller cories find bloodworm hard work. Try tubifex or best of all for the small ones tabimin. Hope this helps

Posted: 30 Apr 2006, 19:55
by kelliope
He was only in with 3 male guppies. I noticed he did look emaciated. I think they were having a hard time getting food because they had to fight off the snails.

I am moving my panda cories into a 36 gallon planted tank with cardinal and neon tetras. I am hoping this helps them.

BTW, I am using Eco-Complete in their new tank. Is this substrate OK for the panda cories?