Fluval FX5

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Fluval FX5

Post by PlecoCrazy »

I have seen advertisements for the Fluval FX5. It boast that it does 925 GPH. Holy crap!!! Does anyone have any experience with this new filter yet. I was not very fond of the past designs of the Fluval X04 series at all and am hoping this is much better.
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Post by bronzefry »

I am looking at the photo in back cover (inside) of the new TFH magazine. Uhhhhhmmmm, it seems a lot of energy was placed into the actual looks of the unit. It's supposed to work on tanks up to 400 gallons. I'd be interested in knowing how to get the lid off. :?
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Post by WhitePine »

I checked one out at my lfs... looked cool but seemed a little overpriced to me....It pretty big too. I have not been that impressed with past fluval performance. I love my ehiem.
Cheers, Whitepine

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Post by fallenlordz »

here some info i founf - this it what it says...

This new filter is the latest in the series of the most popular canister filters in the world and has been completely redesigned.

The FX5 filter syphons water and suspended debris in through its clog-proof intake strainer, then sends it through three levels of foam, which traps most particulate mater. The powerful pump then sends it through the multiple levels of media for whatever cleaning and processing sequence you have chosen. as water flows bock into the aquarium, the flared design of the adjustable output nozzle disburses it in multiple directions, agitating the water and creating currents that help break down wastes, and prevent them from settling. All for a continuous flow of pure precisely treated water.

* 900 Gallons Per Hour !!!
* For aquariums up to 1500 L (400 U.S. Gal.)
* Smart Pump technology ensures optimum flow
* Self Priming (plug & start)
* Automatic water change function
* Large, clog-proof strainer
* Setup & maintenance guide on DVD
* Media supplied - 6 foam filter blocks
Suitable for tanks up to 400 gallons (1500 L), Flow rate is 900 GPH (3500 LPH)

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Post by blueguava »

I have a friend that has 4 of these and they do a very good job.

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Post by andregurov »

Excellent canister (for Hagen). Powerful and spacious, but lacking some of the finer features of Eheim ... if you've got upwards of $350 to blow on a single filter (always have a redundancy/backup) it is in a class by itself.

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Post by kev »

there is a bit of a price war going on over here in England with the FX5's, PFK said the retail recomended price was £279.99 but you can get them for £150 in the shop's, i had a look at one in Pier Aquatics and they are huge, might get one just for the fun of it :D :D :D

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Post by synoguy »

I have one running my 600 liter display tank, which has alot of bioload at the moment... it does an excelent job. and is pretty easy to maintain, its not quite upto ehiem's standards and im not sure if i would trust it on anything larger than 1200 liters though.

Oh and spares arnt common at the moment either :(

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Post by The Stig »

Go for the Eheim Professional 3 instead.
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