All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
Posts: 176 Joined: 17 Apr 2005, 23:18
Location 1: Essex uk
Interests: Livebearers, corys and L numbers
by eupterus » 11 Apr 2006, 21:34
Here are a few pictures of my new 400l cory tank. How many cories would you say I can keep in here with the aim of conditioning and growing.
The only other fish in the tank are 25 neons 25 cardinals and a pair of BN
C. hastatus - habrosus - pygmaeus - aeneus - duplicareus - axelrodi - panda - trilineatus - napoensis - delphax - melini - paleatus - barbatus - concolor - robinae -seussi - reynoldsi - septentrionalis - arcuatus - C57 "nordestini" - guapore - aeneus "black" - C131
Posts: 24 Joined: 20 Nov 2003, 22:37
Location 1: Dallas,TX
Interests: Chemistry, corys
by UNTgolf » 11 Apr 2006, 21:50
Kind of deep for a grow out tank. But number is hard to say? You all ready have a lot of fish in there. Are you going to put more of any other type or is that the extent of non-cories. I all ways go with less is more, so I would low ball it, which is probably not an answer you are looking for!
Posts: 176 Joined: 17 Apr 2005, 23:18
Location 1: Essex uk
Interests: Livebearers, corys and L numbers
by eupterus » 11 Apr 2006, 21:53
That is all of the non cories that will go in. This is not a growing tank for fry I use a 120l tank for that this is more sub adult conditioning. It is 5x2x2 depth of water just over 20 inches
C. hastatus - habrosus - pygmaeus - aeneus - duplicareus - axelrodi - panda - trilineatus - napoensis - delphax - melini - paleatus - barbatus - concolor - robinae -seussi - reynoldsi - septentrionalis - arcuatus - C57 "nordestini" - guapore - aeneus "black" - C131
Posts: 24 Joined: 20 Nov 2003, 22:37
Location 1: Dallas,TX
Interests: Chemistry, corys
by UNTgolf » 11 Apr 2006, 22:29
O sorry! By grow out I thought you were speaking of fish half inch or 1cm.
Posts: 43 Joined: 12 Apr 2005, 19:58
Location 1: Essex/England
by fishmadbarry » 11 Apr 2006, 23:10
Loas, loads and loads of loads.
What does a Chav and a Slinky have in common?
They are both great fun to watch fall down stairs.
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Location 1: Saskatoon, Sk, Canada
by madattiver » 11 Apr 2006, 23:19
nice looking tank.. what is all in there??? i see c. melini, c. panda and not sure of the others... C131??
Last edited by
madattiver on 11 Apr 2006, 23:24, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 176 Joined: 17 Apr 2005, 23:18
Location 1: Essex uk
Interests: Livebearers, corys and L numbers
by eupterus » 11 Apr 2006, 23:23
melini,schwartzi, c131 and pandas. Well spotted especially from that picture. There are six of each except the C131 in which I could only get five.
C. hastatus - habrosus - pygmaeus - aeneus - duplicareus - axelrodi - panda - trilineatus - napoensis - delphax - melini - paleatus - barbatus - concolor - robinae -seussi - reynoldsi - septentrionalis - arcuatus - C57 "nordestini" - guapore - aeneus "black" - C131
Posts: 121 Joined: 07 Jul 2003, 22:06 My aquaria list: 1 (i:0) My BLogs : 4 (i:0, p:69) Spotted : 7
Location 1: Saskatoon, Sk, Canada
by madattiver » 11 Apr 2006, 23:26
well.. i do stare at corys several hours a day.. should be half decent in recognizing them by now..
and i am sure they will be happy in there and hopefully spawning not too far down the road. c. melini look close to the right size for spawning. anyways.. good luck with them and keep us posted.
you can never post enough pics these days.. we all love them...
Posts: 2119 Joined: 30 Dec 2002, 19:06 My articles : 12 My catfish : 5 My BLogs : 1 (i:0, p:46) Spotted : 194
Location 1: Kidderminster UK
Location 2: Kidderminster, UK
Interests: Cory's, Loricariids, photography and more Cory's
by Coryman » 12 Apr 2006, 00:15
I would say you would be comfortable with another 8 or 10, but I would be wary of the
C. panda in a mixed community like that as they are known for getting it together with other species.