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Unhappy bristlenoses???

Posted: 16 Apr 2003, 10:24
by Cory_lover
Hey all~

i have two bristlenoses in my tank, but they're currently too young to sex them. One's about 4cm, while the other's onli 1.5cm...anywayz...when i saw them at the LFS, they looked really good, as in they're fins were all open, and had good colouring. However, upon observation now, they're fins are closed whenever they're motionless. Are they unhappy or what???

Water chemistry is pH 6.6, 4dGh, no nitrates or ammonia.

P:S: I'm not a loriicarid expert...

Posted: 16 Apr 2003, 16:27
by Barbie
No NitrAtes would signify that your tank is not cycled. Please check for nitrItes, do a 30% water change, and if possible, swish out filter media from an existing tank in that tank for them. Nitrites are highly toxic.


Posted: 17 Apr 2003, 07:23
by Cory_lover
er...not sure if its nitrates or nitrites..but its the one u have test kits for...anywayz...the tank's been going for 2 years it can't possibly not be cycled!!!!!

Posted: 17 Apr 2003, 07:44
by Barbie
How often do you do water changes? How much of a volume do you change when you change it? What filtration on what size tank? What is your pH, both in the tank and out of the tap? All of that information would help us give you a better idea of what the problem might be with your fish. Knowing whether that is a nitrite or nitrate test kit would also help. We'll need to know what each of those levels are. Hope this helps,


Posted: 18 Apr 2003, 01:28
by Cory_lover
i do a weekly water change of abot 40%. the tank's a 2ft, with a box filter. pH in the tank is around 6.8, while the pH out of the tap is around 7. The test kit i have is a nitrite one. no ammonia, and about 7dGh.

P:S: Is there a nitrite test kit and a nitrate test kit?? I thought there was only the nitrite one, so i think i must've bought the wrong one.


Posted: 21 Apr 2003, 14:59
by Beagly
G'day Cory Lover

I assume you are feeding them? If not they really love Zucchini and Pumpkin. I zap them in the microwave for say 30 secs, with a tiny bit of water in the dish. (Others disagree on this method of preparation!), you can also try some algae waffers.

Do they have places to hide? Are they being picked on? How long have they been in the tank?

Hope this helps
Cya Beagly...