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I'd be surprised if anyone has bred these, they aren't very common [Maybe Janne has bred them], but I would look at breeding info for other Peckoltia's, as they should be similar in behaviour and triggering. There are articles on other Peckoltia species in Shane's world under "Reproduction" .
I can't say I know L265 either - I'm just one of those people that comment on things when I think my comments may help - based on what I've read or understood and sort of draw conclusions from that... In this case, when there isn't any detailed information on the actual species, you have to resort to finding similar species to make a guessed starting point (I did a quick google, and I couldn't find any useful information other than what little there is on Planet Catfish).
I have not succeed yet with this species even that I have 2 pair. I think you shall treat them as L134 with soft and slightly acid water, males get very hairy on their back when mature so it's easy to see the different.
Males also fight quite a lot if kept together so a setup with 1 male and 2 females are perfect.
The different between the L76 and the L265 are the little points on the ... Knochenplatten by the L265 (sorry I don't know the english name for this.)
You can see it here what I mean. http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/lo ... /901_3.PHP
Would you agree with me that my peckoltia is an L76?
They are very similar but show differenties at mature sizes and normaly coloured.
This is L076 with the typical colour and the orange seam on the fins.
And this is L265, both pics shows almost fully grown species.