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whiptails/bristle nose (common)

Posted: 31 Mar 2006, 05:41
by garyfromaus
O.K. I accept that my Whiptails are freaks...he's on his 5th lot of eggs in 6 weeks just goes to show what 2 women can do to a guy :lol: first let me thank the peeps who responded to my first was dumb ? the lil whiptails seem to be feeding on the algae on the glass and they need anything else? zuccini or spinnach? oh n just to complicate 2 bristlenose I bought the other day, from 2 diff shops have decided to breed, a huge mass of orange eggs in the hollow log he calls "home" anything I need to know?....they are also on their own in a 3' tank..sorry to ask such basic ? ..but ifnya dont ask ya dont find out...cheers n tks :D

Posted: 25 Apr 2006, 13:49
by Shane
Just saw your posting (it has been moved due to foul language) expressing your disatisfaction that no one had replied to your above post. Let me start by saying that you have every right to be upset that, after a month, you have received no replies. That said, let me offer a few tips that may assist you in the future:

1) Post Title: Make it clear in the title of your posting what information you are seeking. A title of "Help raising Rineloricaria and Ancistrus fry" instead of "whiptails/bristle nose (common)" would have attracted answers from people that have the information you seek.

2) Post Content: I remembered seeing your post when I went looking for it to find out why you were upset. I had opened it sometime ago and after 5 minutes of trying to puzzle out what you were asking I moved on to a different post. Keep your questions clear and specific so people better understand what information you are looking for. Also, keep the slang and abbreviations (ifnya, for example) to a minimum. This is an international site and many users, myself included, are not going spend 10 minutes trying to decipher somebody elses "personal style" of writing.

3) Do your homework: People are more likely to respond to a posting that demonstrates the poster has done some research. I ran a simple forum search for "raising Rineloricaria fry" and the site returned 71 pages of hits. I suspect a search for "raising Ancistrus fry" would return double or even triple that amount of hits. There are also several articles that specifically address your above questions in Shane's World here:

There are lots of people here willing to help, but you have to meet them half way.