Hi, I am new here.

A members area where you can introduce yourself, discuss anything outwith catfish and generally get to know each other.
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Joined: 23 Mar 2006, 22:54
Location 1: Los Angeles

Hi, I am new here.

Post by polomax24 »

Just want to say hi to everybody. I keep few fancy plecos and corydoras.
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Location 1: Illinois
Interests: Synodontis, Disc golf, Fishing

Post by CEfire »

Welcome to Planet Catfish! :wink:
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Joined: 15 Dec 2005, 02:55
Location 1: Melbourne, Australia
Interests: Almost anything within my field of vision.

Post by Kana3 »

Hi Polomax!
Posts: 919
Joined: 23 Mar 2004, 23:39
I've donated: $54.00!
My catfish: 8
My cats species list: 74 (i:8, k:0)
Spotted: 6
Location 1: Long Island, New York, USA
Location 2: Long Island

Post by corybreed »

Welcome to the Planet Catfish forum.

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Joined: 02 Apr 2006, 04:55
Location 1: Florida

Hey, I am new to this place

Post by Cattie »

I have catfish and other fish, help please to identify them.They are in aquariums, I want to transfer bigger ones to small outdoor plastic ponds.
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