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River tank

Posted: 23 Mar 2006, 23:24
by Intravenous
I don't currently have a river tank set up...but I know some of you do :razz: .

I was wondering if you river tank folk could post a picture of your tank and list the fish, equipment and objects/scenery present?

It would be a big help :D

Posted: 24 Mar 2006, 06:49
by Psy
Mine is a 55gallon with 2 AC 802s running though a pair of hydrosponge Vs. It really needs more intake area though as it tends to whirlpool itself. The sponges are inverted, attached to pvc which runs the lenght of tank to the powerheads.

Current wasnt that strong either, I have some midsized cories, who pretty much ignore the current. They appear to be breeding actually... the likely source of the tiny fry. When they get too fat though, my raphaels can get blown backwards.

Posted: 24 Mar 2006, 07:04
by WhitePine
If you go to tank talk and do a forum search for "river" you will come up with lots of peoples river tanks. The search engine is your friend.

Cheers, Whitepine

Posted: 24 Mar 2006, 19:41
by Mikael
BTW, what is the definition of a river tank?