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Corydoras semiaquilus blackperu spawning behaviour

Posted: 11 Mar 2006, 15:33
by Jeff
I have three of these beauties in a 25 gallon and this morning I noticed that they were spawning. Typical corydoras spawning behaviour, lots of chasing, the male touching the female with his barbels around the head and stomach area. The went into the T-position about two inches off the snad, fell to the sand, quivered rather violently, whole body shaking and two eggs were released by the female and captured in her ventral pouch.
Here is where it gets weird, the male would relentlessly follow the female until he consumed the eggs. He would not let her have a chance to place the eggs anywhere.
I watched them perform this five or six times until I decided to leave them alone. Before I left I searched teh walls, the rocks and sand and the spawning mop for eggs but no sign of any eggs at all.

Has anyone ever experienced this type of behaviour. I have seen other corydoras seek out and eat the eggs after spawning but not this quick.

Any experience would be appreciated
