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Dissolved Oxygen

Posted: 09 Mar 2006, 01:31
by blueguava
I have read quite a bit on different methods for increasing Oxygen levels and in particular O2 ppm in the aquarium for breeding. Interested to see if there are many people achieving 8-10ppm and if so the different ways in which you achieve it.

Kind Regards

Posted: 09 Mar 2006, 09:36
by MatsP
There's an article on Oxygen levels in Shane's world.

Simply put, it's about getting surface movement and circulation [so that the oxygenated water moves to where the fish is!].


Posted: 09 Mar 2006, 09:43
by racoll
I bought a chemical oxygen test, but it was totally useless, so without a very expensive digital meter, I have no idea what value my tank is.

Bear in mind that at 30C you will reach 100% saturation at 7.45 ppm, and at 25C, 100% saturation will be at about 8.2 ppm, so the values you're after may be a bit optimimistic.

The best ways to achieve good oxygenation is by......

Having a tank with the largest surface area/volume ratio possible.
Not having a hood or condesation tray.
Providing maximum agitation and turnover of water surface.

I would also recommend not having any bogwood or plants in the tank, as any decomposing material will suck up available oxygen.

Hope this is of some help. :D