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Good catfish for my setup?

Posted: 07 Mar 2006, 21:19
by SinaiTSi
I currently have 2 tanks right now. A 55 gal. and a 30 gal.
In the 55, I have an Oscar, about 10" right now. The 30 gal. has some Tinfoil barbs, they are about 3-4" right now. I'd really like to get some catfish in both of them. I just need some suggestions. I'm not really interested in any corys or plecos either. A few i've considered, Jaguar cat, Pictus cat, and the Sun cat. Just to give you an idea of what I'm looking for. Any suggestions are welcome.

Posted: 12 Mar 2006, 15:09
by Chrysichthys
You might consider with the tinfoils, but with or without, you will eventually need a bigger tank.