Brochis Splendens & Other Tankmates

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Brochis Splendens & Other Tankmates

Post by tricky266 »

On Friday I bought what I thought was a Bronze Cory to go with my four other Bronzes - on closer inspection I think it may be a Brochis Splendens - I will check him out with a pic of a Brochis Splendens found on the net. He is still settling down OK in the tank - has been seen out with the corys playing so I'm happy about this... What worries me me is if he is going to be happy on his own? - I have heard that you should keep in a species group like corys. I already have 4 bronze, 2 sterbai and this guy in a Juwel Rio 125 litre 32" x 14" x 20" so am maxed out as far as bottom feeders are concerned.

I'm a bit annoyed with myself for not realising that he wasn't a bronze cory also I'm a little miffed at the lfs for telling me he was a bronze...Ideally these should be in a group - would adding a friend help much - I could probably add other without too much trouble...

Am I worrying too much???

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Post by MatsP »


Brochis species are best kept with mates of their own kind. But it will probably be happy together with the cory's as a compromise.

They are also pretty easy to tell apart from Bronze corys by the fact that they have a much longer dorsal fin - and more rays in the fin. Corys have 7 rays, while have 11 or so, and other species of Brochis have up to 17 which is where it got it's name.

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Post by tricky266 »


Thanks for this. I realise that I have made a boob :oops: I just want to do the right thing and my choices are to leave as is (I have 6 corys/plus this guy in a 32" x 14" x 20" - planted with mopani wood, coconut shells and other bogwood for hiding under/behind) or maybe get him a mate or two - I don't see Brochis Splendens very often in aquatic shops round here. Would adding two more help or hinder the situation considering they should be in a group of at least 6?

Any advice would be appreciated!!

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Post by MatsP »

Obviously, I don't know what else you have in the tank, but 7 corys in this size tank doesn't sound like LOTS. However, adding 6 Brochis splendens may make it a bit crowded. I'd say you can add a couple of Brochis and they'd go nicely with the rest of your corys - they statement of "at least 6" is more to do with keeping them separate from other cory-like fishes.

Certainly, my will sometimes swim together with my Brochis splendens[/clog].

Brochis splendens isn't common in the shops, because they are more expensive than (Bronze cory), and look almost the same - so most people would rather get the Bronze cory. Part of the reason for this is that the Brochis is most likely wild-caught whilst the Bronze corys are tank-bred and thus less expensive at source [not so many steps adding 100% margin between importer and the fish itself].

You can probably get them from your usual shop if you ask them to get some in. But expect to pay maybe 5-6 pounds, rather than the 2-3 pounds that the Bronze corys usually are...

I like my Brochis a lot, and the fact that they aren't common just makes it more interesting ;-)

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Post by tricky266 »


Thanks for the feedback. I know 7 bottom dwelling fish in a tank that size is not too bad - I suppose I could try and ask the retailer to see if he could get me another couple - I actually paid £3.99 for the Brochis, so a good deal really - I do like the fish and they are a cut above the Bronze in terms of looks and colouration.

Other tank mates are 8 Glowlight Tetra, 7 Neon Tetras, 5 Harlequin Rasboras - so fairly minimum bioload.

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Post by tricky266 »

Forgot to say the other bottom dwellers are 4 Bronze and 2 Serbai.

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