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Need info on L183
Posted: 23 Feb 2006, 04:44
by jschulst
Can anyone tell me how fast these L183 grow, how big do they get and when they reach adult stage...
Posted: 23 Feb 2006, 05:18
by funkyj1313
Posted: 23 Feb 2006, 07:19
by pleco_breeder
L183 are notoriously slow growers for Ancistrus. The good news is that they can be spawned at 3 inches. The bad news is that it will take better than a year to reach that size from most of the small specimens that I've seen offered for sale. I bought my last 2 at 1 1/4 inches and took almost 18 months to get the first eggs.
Larry Vires
Posted: 23 Feb 2006, 20:03
by jschulst
how often are you getting new batches of fry?
Are they hard to find? What the market prices going on these?
Posted: 24 Feb 2006, 08:44
by pleco_breeder
I don't have them anymore. I either sold or lost all of my fish when I moved a year and a half ago. This is a problem that I'm currently rectifying
At the time, they were spawning about 30 eggs every 3 weeks. All of the eggs were fungusing because the pH was too high.
Most of the retail prices I've seen on them lately is in the $20-30 range for 3" TL fish.
Larry Vires