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Flower pots

Posted: 18 Feb 2006, 02:21
by albino catfish
There was a post awhile back but I can't find it, I was wondering what type of flower pot would you use for hinding spot's. Clay pot's Have some stuff in it, but will it hurt
they fish ???

Posted: 18 Feb 2006, 09:44
by sidguppy
the best and cheapest are baked clay (terracotta).

these can be bought almost everywhere, and it's easy to saw them in halves or to drill and scrape holes in them.

THE trick is to soak the pots, and ocassionally dip them in the waterbucket while working on them.
if you keep them soaked, they will not burst or shatter! :shock:

I made quite a few nice breeding caves and hidey holes out of those; just check a few posts on breeding Phyllonemus typus and breeding Synodontis petricola Burundi; both in the African section.

ofcourse, and pot sawed in halves and laid flat on the sand, makes an excellent Pleco- or L-number breeding cave as well :wink:

Posted: 18 Feb 2006, 17:37
by albino catfish
Thank's for they help, just was worrying about the pot's having some type of chemical that may kill or sick'in the fish. thank's

Posted: 18 Feb 2006, 23:26
by snowball
If they are made of raw terracotta then they should be fine, even glazed pots should not pose any problems. The only thing to avoid would be if they have been painted after being fired, which I think would be unlikely.