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What L number is this? new pics

Posted: 13 Feb 2006, 19:39
by LDA19
What L number is this and can you tell if it is a male or female? 2 1/2" total length.



Yes this is the same fish,same tank, just a few seconds between pictures.

Posted: 14 Feb 2006, 09:21
by MatsP
It's certainly an Ancistrus - but what species may be a bit harder to figure out, both because the pictures are a bit small, and that there's lots of them that look almost the same.

I'm pretty sure it's a male - it's got bristles up it's face, not just around the mouth.


Posted: 14 Feb 2006, 19:17
by LDA19
new pics hope it helps

Posted: 15 Feb 2006, 12:24
by pureplecs
Looks like a male to me also for the reasons MatsP stated above.

As far as ID on the fish it may be helpful if you can let us know where you got the fish and where it was imported from (if known). You may never know the exact species unless you know exactly where was imported from. If you got from the LFS what did they label it as? Take care.

Posted: 15 Feb 2006, 12:53
by MatsP
Thanks for posting bigger pictures. Unfortunately, they didn't help as much as I'd hoped - I can't find anything in the Cat-eLog that matches.

As pureplecs says: if you can find where it came from (at least which country), then we can at least eliminate some of the species.


Posted: 15 Feb 2006, 13:56
by husky_jim
Here is a fish from a Peruvian exporter that resembles A LOT your fish.


The local name is 'Carachama' but there isn't any spieces name available.
I'll try to find the collection river name,but for ure the fish is from Peru.