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Predatory brown catfish

Posted: 12 Feb 2006, 13:54
by abishai7
Listed under "selton catfish"
He's about 13inches
I hope the image shows.
Thanks for the help,

Posted: 12 Feb 2006, 14:03
by abishai7
It doesnt really show well in the pic, but his dorsal is squared off and probably about 2inches long.
Thanks again

Posted: 12 Feb 2006, 14:21
by Silurus
It's one of these.

Posted: 12 Feb 2006, 14:33
by abishai7
I started laughing when I read the notes on C. apurenis. This monster tried to eat a gar almost it's own body length and would not let go until I took it out of the water. That, and it hand feeds like a champ. Good deal. Man, you're fast with the responses!


Posted: 15 Feb 2006, 02:57
by albino catfish
That"s got to be a Frogmouth Catfish for shure!!!!

Posted: 15 Feb 2006, 05:23
by zenyfish
13" would seem too big for a Frogmouth.

I really wanted only to point out that the two fish mentioned look amazingly alike ... convergent evolution!

Posted: 16 Feb 2006, 14:32
by abishai7
Plus, this guy has no protuberenses (sp?). err..fishy got no bumpies...
Joshua the spelling bee champ!