Several Questions

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Several Questions

Post by DizTheFreak »

First: my pictus cat ate an oto last night... obviously, I can't do anything for the oto, but I was wondering if this is going to do damage to my Pim?

Second: I moved my otos into another tank... Do I have to worry about my striped Raphaels or Dojo loach eatting them? They're about an inch in length right now (The otos) The Raphies are about 2-2 1/2" and the dojo is about 3".

Third: My Pim and col. Shark (both about 2-2 1/2") are currently in a 10gal, and my other guys are in a 50. I have a 55gal yet to be set up... (see my post in the worst mistake thread for more info, lol)... I dunno how i should set up that tank... Salt for the CS, fresh for the other guys, fresh with all, and when the CS needs salt, sell him...??? Any ideas? I would really like to figure out a way I can keep all of these guys, but don't know if this is possible...
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Re: Several Questions

Post by djw66 »

DizTheFreak wrote:First: my pictus cat ate an oto last night... obviously, I can't do anything for the oto, but I was wondering if this is going to do damage to my Pim?

Second: I moved my otos into another tank... Do I have to worry about my striped Raphaels or Dojo loach eatting them? They're about an inch in length right now (The otos) The Raphies are about 2-2 1/2" and the dojo is about 3".

Third: My Pim and col. Shark (both about 2-2 1/2") are currently in a 10gal, and my other guys are in a 50. I have a 55gal yet to be set up... (see my post in the worst mistake thread for more info, lol)... I dunno how i should set up that tank... Salt for the CS, fresh for the other guys, fresh with all, and when the CS needs salt, sell him...??? Any ideas? I would really like to figure out a way I can keep all of these guys, but don't know if this is possible...
1. No. Pictus are very efficient at eating whatever will fit; neons, otos, etc.

2. Yes, most definately the former, and soon. Platydoras costatus is highly preditory with any fish small enough to fit in its mouth. You do know they get between six and eight inches long, right? Dojos aren't piscavours, so you won't have a problem there.

3. Take the Columbian back, as it will need more and more sea salt as it grows to four inches, eventually to full marine by the time its an adult, making it wrong for your setup. Trade him for more pims.

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Post by pictus_man_77 »

WEHEY, more pims for all!!! :P :P :P :D :D :D
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