Petricola Behavior
Petricola Behavior
Hello, I have around 10 petricolas in a 55gal with various Tanganyikan fish. One has made it his mission to train for Nascar, All day he swims around and around a spong filter non stop. Hes actually getting faster at doing this, all my other peticola's are fine. Its been around a week and its getting me dizzy, is this normal or do you think there is something wrong with him?
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 10 Feb 2006, 12:59
- Location 1: UK,
- Interests: Plecs,Corys,Syno and reeftank.
I have 18 petricolas in a 100 gallon tank, and often find that either a single fish or a group of up to 4 or 5 will follow this behaviour. Mine will do this for several hours or a day or 2 and then stop for several days. Sometimes I will then hardly see any of them again till lights off.This behaviour can be amazingly energetic, and once they have decided on a route they stick to that route for the whole episode. My fish are immature at present, being between 2-2.5 inches. They have grown to this length from approx 1/2inch in 6 months which seems quicker than I have read elsewhere.
- Posts: 2
- Joined: 10 Feb 2006, 12:59
- Location 1: UK,
- Interests: Plecs,Corys,Syno and reeftank.
My petricola are fed last thing at night with frozen bloodworn 4 or 5 times a week, and on a daily basis with TetraTabimen tablets [which they love],TetraPrima granulated food [which is fairly small and sinks quickly],and every other day with either Tetra variety wafers or Ocean nutrition algae wafers. I also occasionally place a raw tiger prawn in overnight weighted down with a lead weight [prawn must be rmoved first thing in the morning to prevent fouling]and also courgette, and tinned shelled processed peas. I must add that the petricolas share this food with some plecs and a few other fish.
The tank is quite heavily filtered and has 20% water changes weekly. Water is hard [13] and I have a coral sand base which seems to colour the petricola up nicely. Water temperature was 27'C but for the last 2 months has been reduced to 25'C.
I have heard that at least some of the other fry from the same batches I bought mine from have grown equally quickly.
The tank is quite heavily filtered and has 20% water changes weekly. Water is hard [13] and I have a coral sand base which seems to colour the petricola up nicely. Water temperature was 27'C but for the last 2 months has been reduced to 25'C.
I have heard that at least some of the other fry from the same batches I bought mine from have grown equally quickly.