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Synos in Lake Barombi-Mbo, Cameroon

Posted: 09 Feb 2006, 02:18
by Nebraska_cichlids
Recently, I changed the setup of one of my 125G tanks to house cichlids from Lake Barombi-Mbo in Cameroon. Do you know of any synos that are endemic to that lake? Thanks.


Posted: 09 Feb 2006, 03:37
by Silurus
AFAIK, there are no endemic synos in the lake. There may not even be any synos in the lake.

Posted: 11 Feb 2006, 04:37
by CEfire
I don't know if this helps you out any but I read somewhere that S. Rebeli are at least from Camaroon so maybe not from the same lake but nearby...

Posted: 12 Feb 2006, 02:00
by Nebraska_cichlids
CEfire, good thinking with regard to the rebeli! You are right: rebeli can be found in Cameroon, but unfortunately I couldn't find any online sources that would put this species into Barombi Mbo.
Anyways, do you know of any sellers of rebeli?

Silurus, thanks for the note. I did an extensive online search but couldn't find any info with regard to synos in Barombi Mbo. I'm afraid there may not be any synos in the lake.

Posted: 12 Feb 2006, 02:06
by Silurus
I keep forgetting to check the Trewavas et al. (1972) paper on the fishes of Barombi Mbo to see if any catfishes are listed in there. If I don't do it by this weekend, could you drop me a reminder?

Posted: 12 Feb 2006, 17:05
by Silurus
I have checked Trewavas et al. (1972), and the only catfish in the lake are two species of Clarias. No synos. Sorry.