pineapple pleco

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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pineapple pleco

Post by bussardnr »

can anyone tell me about these guys? i cant find much info.
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Post by DeepFriedIctalurus »

Pseudorhinelepis sp. L152?

I can't tell you a whole lot about them, but I do have one and it's probably my favorite fish if I was forced to actually pick one..

Mine spends most of it's time swimming around quite gracefully out in the open, a bit like a much larger fish would (it's only 5"SL). It does rasp on the assorted greens, squashes & other veggies I provide, but not quite as much as the small gibby & many Ancistrus do. With that in mind, I'd assume that whatever's good for common sailfins (Liposarcus), would be good for them.

If you're wondering anything about their natural habits/habitat or how big they get, I'd love to have a clue myself!
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Post by bussardnr »

thats the one. anyone else know anything?
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