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only12 survived:(

Posted: 23 Jan 2006, 16:35
by squid
only 12 whiptail fries survived after 3 days:(
i guess i neglected to make water change :(
i just transferred them into a 15 gallon tank...
problem is the temp of the water is not exactly the same ... will this harmmy firs?

Sturisoma aurem spawn

Posted: 23 Jan 2006, 23:49
by tjudy
My royal farlowellas have spawned. Here is a link to a log about them:

I have read through the information and articles in Shane's World, but I have a couple ideas that I want to get opinions on.

First, this spawn did not occur on the side of the tank. They spawned on a pot. This provides the opportunity to remove the whole clutch and hatch them in a smaller rearing tank. Good idea or not? I am concerned that i will only be able to find a few in the tank they are in after they hatch.

Second, I have worked with this species before and I have had limited success getting the fry to survive. I have always assumed that I am not getting enough food to them when they need it. I have a green water culture that is so thick you cannot see through the 20H that it is in. I am thinking about using this green water to raise the fry in for a while. Good idea or not?

Third, when I attempt to raise the fry I am considering going completely away from the 'bare and sterile' technique, opting instead for covering the bottom of a ten gallon tank with boiled catappa leaves, a lot of nasty algae and snails that nourish my daphnia cultures and daily infusions of frozen spinach blended with green water. I will put in a few pieces of planted driftwood to allow them a place to perch out of that nourishing mess. Daily 20% changes with the greenwater going back in. Good idea or not?

Posted: 24 Jan 2006, 02:02
by tank11
try using 8" long by 11/4'-11/2" pvc PIPE AS SPAWNING CAVES. I heat them up in boiling water till they get soft so I can flatten the bottom of the pipes to keep them from rolling around. I use one of those hang in the tank breeder net for hatching out the eggs. use lots of BB shimp and golden pearls for the fry.. first batch of fry didn't do to well but the second batch are doing great.. The 3 rd batch should be hatching in a few days.. Good luck Tank11