
All posts regarding the care and breeding of catfishes from other parts of the world (North America, Europe and Australia). If you don't know where your catfish is from, post a query in the identification category.
albino catfish
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Post by albino catfish »

I have 5 one and a half too 2 inch Channel Cats which are growing faster than I am. And they will some be accopaned with a 2 inch Tiger Shovelnose. Which will reach 5 inches faster Tiger or Channel ? each feed every other day (trying not to have to much waste)!!!!!
Also will the Tiger eat sinking chicild food like they Channels. And will they Tiger ever pose a threat to they Channels ???
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Re: Growing

Post by coelacanth »

I thought I'd explain why I felt it necessary to lock this topic when I saw it.
albino catfish wrote:I have 5 one and a half too 2 inch Channel Cats which are growing faster than I am.
No details of aquarium size, husbandry regime, filtration type, water conditions, temperature etc. etc.
A search of the Forum and/or Cat-elog would have revealed the adult size of Channel Cats and the eventual housing they will require.
albino catfish wrote:And they will some be accopaned with a 2 inch Tiger Shovelnose.
By my count this poster has been advised on 10 separate occasions of the issues around keeping large catfish, and has apparently chosen to ignore this.
albino catfish wrote:Which will reach 5 inches faster Tiger or Channel ?

I have no idea what the relevance of 5 inches is in this discussion, and it is an unanswerable question, impossible even to speculate given the absence of any husbandry information.
albino catfish wrote:Also will the Tiger eat sinking chicild food like they Channels.
Details of the appropriate diet for large predatory catfish can be found in the Cat-elog and also elsewhere on the Forum
albino catfish wrote:And will they Tiger ever pose a threat to they Channels ???
Considered in isolation each one of these questions would be enough to stimulate indignant postings from Forum members rightly concerned about the welfare of the fish concerned. I sent the following PM to this poster a fortnight ago over the content of previous posts

As a Moderator, I'm informing you that your attitude is not acceptable by the standards of this Forum. Under other circumstances your approach would be construed as trolling or an attempt to start a flame war, the only reason we are being tolerant is because we believe you are young.
Our outlook on catfish that grow large is outlined in the "sticky" on the subject that you have been directed towards by more than one person.
You state that your RTC "does fine" in a 25 gallon, but you have posted more than one query about problems with this fish.
You have also been given clear information on the long-term requirements of large fish, but appear to have chosen to ignore them.
People give up their own time to offer advice (based on long experience in caring for fish), if this time is being wasted then it is insulting to them and shows a disregard for the welfare of the fish you have.
Unless you learn to listen and understand what people are saying, your membership of this Forum will have to be reviewed.
Coelacanth (Moderator)

This has not been read and so it has either been missed or deliberately ignored. I locked the topic this morning because I didn't have time to deal with it before I left for work, I'm locking it again for now because I simply can't see what positive outcomes there would be from leaving it open.

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