how do u tell the difference between l13 n l163?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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baruch mor
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how do u tell the difference between l13 n l163?

Post by baruch mor »

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Post by MatsP »

L13 has smaller (and higher number of) spots than L163.

I don't know where L13 or L163 comes from, but I would guess they are also from different places, which would be another indication of which one a particular fish is. Of course, assuming that you can find the CORRECT origin, rather than some non-specific such as "Manaus" [One of the places where fish is being EXPORTED from, but the actual fish may have been captured several thousand kilometers away].

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Post by Yann »

L163 keeps the "orange colour" in its fins while being full grown as L13 tend to loose it as they grow

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baruch mor
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Post by baruch mor »

yannfulliquet wrote:L163 keeps the "orange colour" in its fins while being full grown as L13 tend to loose it as they grow

that is the only clue?
btw - the fish came from brazil and i guess both species are from brazil
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