Heater Protecter

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Heater Protecter

Post by greenmonkey51 »

I am scared that one of my plecs is going to snuggle up to one of my heaters and get burned. I have seen what happens when they do this and I want to prevent this. Is there anything I can do to cover my heaters and protect my plecs.
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Post by PlecoCrazy »

While I don't know what you could use to cover your heater there are several manufacturers that now offer in-line heaters that you can put on your return hose off your canister filter and keep the heater out of the tank completely.

From my experience if you put the heater horizontal closer towards the top of the tank they are less likely to use them for hiding places.
Last edited by PlecoCrazy on 02 Jan 2006, 03:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by corybreed »

Check around, I have seen heater guards for sale. If not, you can also try a piece of the plastic lighting grid that they sell in sheets at home centers. You can put your heater in the corner of the tank and cover it with a piece of the grid. I know cichlid people who use this method to protect the heaters from curious guapotes.

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Post by Silent Doh »

You could also take a peice of PVC pipe only slightly larger that the heater and slip it over it, you just need enough water flow to heat the tank, not just the water in the pipe
Siphoning neon tetras through a small hose can be harmful to their health.
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Post by Shane »

You could also take a peice of PVC pipe only slightly larger that the heater and slip it over it, you just need enough water flow to heat the tank, not just the water in the pipe
This works well. Just attach a couple suction cups to the piece of PVC and drill a few holes.
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Post by Jools »

I've used curlers in the past.

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Post by Kana3 »

This is the sort of thing you're after (note the black bit). Sera now include them as standard. They come in sections, so you just link them together to the length you need.


But that idea of Jools', it makes my hair curl!
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