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Albino raphael ?

Posted: 28 Dec 2005, 09:33
by Mika

Posted: 28 Dec 2005, 09:49
by Kana3
I've seen two similar looking, Amblydoras hancocki, and Platydorus costatus.

Posted: 28 Dec 2005, 10:02
by miss mighty
man that is one ugly fish is it supposed to look dead or is it acctually dead.

Posted: 29 Dec 2005, 16:43
by bronzefry
That fish seems quite alive. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I love that specimen. :D

Posted: 03 Jan 2006, 21:27
by Taratron
My money is on hancocki.

That is an awesome specimen. I'd set up a tank just for it, if I had one!

Posted: 03 Jan 2006, 21:41
by PlecoCrazy
That is an awesome looking fish. You might even be able to see that one after you turn the lights out! Thanks for sharing the pic.

Posted: 03 Jan 2006, 22:05
by pictus_man_77
fantastic, look at all those spines on its tail!! holy moly :shock: :shock: :shock:


Posted: 03 Jan 2006, 22:38
by B-2
Wouldn't it have red eyes if it was albino, or does that not apply to fish? Either way, that is a very beautiful catfish.

Re: Albino?

Posted: 04 Jan 2006, 09:19
by MatsP
bettinacharlotta wrote:Wouldn't it have red eyes if it was albino, or does that not apply to fish?
It would if it's a "full" albino. There's some lesser grades of albinism, this particular form is called Leucistic, which has missing skin colour, but still has coloured eyes.
