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Identification help

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 00:38
by riverwonders
Merry Christmas,

Can anybody identify which kind of Sturisoma these are?

Thanks in advance


Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 02:52
by Jackster
Looks like S. panamense or aureum to me.

Take a look at this post.

There seems to be more questions than answers when identifying these but I do see
that this has the curved dorsal fin (S. panamense/aureum)?

Posted: 26 Dec 2005, 20:01
by chef
looking at the head shape especially the nose it looks like S.panamense, any idea where it was collected from


Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 04:55
by riverwonders
Thanks a lot for the quick responces. We received the fish from Colombia.

Thanks Again


Posted: 27 Dec 2005, 13:33
by Shane
These are collected in large numbers in the lower Magdalena and shipped from Bogota. They are usually identified as Sturisoma aureum in the trade.