
All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Super Coryman
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Post by Super Coryman »

Can any one explain the "Abdunklungsmethode" (The method of darkening the water) to me?? please :o
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Post by Achim »


this simply means darkening the tank by using black paperboard or something similar to avoid light hitting the tank during the day. Of course one should switch off the tank lights too ;). There are to main ideas behind this method:

1. Some Corydoras species spawn during night and eat the eggs before next sunrise. That way the cory keeper doesn't even realize they spawned. When darkening the tank they also spawn the day over and the keeper can observe.

2.It also seems to be a stimulating factor (rainy season --> less light).

Greetings... Achim
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Post by Yann »

Hi Achim!

Do you have any idea of the species of Coryodras involved into such thing, which species do spawnat night?
So far all my species have spawn either in the morning or late in the afternoon...
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Post by Achim »

Hi Yann,

according to Ever's Cory book C. haraldschultzi, C. leopardus, C. pulcher and similar species and C. eques. According to Hans those species spawn for lack of gloaming hours (where those species (are said to) usually spawn) in common aquaria during night.

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