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knife fish

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 02:49
by declan
i have a knife fish who is being harassed by an algie eater :evil: .i started to get worried when the knife fish started getting scars and started becoming very nervous when i entered the room, should i move him with my soon to be 3 pangasius catfish?. also there was a recient angle fish murder in my aquarium. this aquarium contained 3 anglefish( including the dead one), 2 suckers,2 algie eaters( one was attacking my knife fish and also my silver shark, 1 knife fish,1 silver shark,2 catfish(walking). who was the possible murderer :?:

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 09:50
by Marc van Arc
I'll put my money on the walking catfish: if you'll let them do their thing, they will sooner or later kill all your other fish. Before they may succeed, get rid of them :!: (or put them in a species tank, where they can only harrass eachother).

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 15:13
by declan
i only have two tanks, the other has 2 blue pangassius catfish :?

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 16:59
by Marc van Arc
Then swap them: Pangasius with the others and the Clarias in the former Pangasius tank.
That is of course if you want to keep the walkers....

Posted: 03 Dec 2005, 20:39
by declan
thanks for the advice :D . my second aquarium is pretty big and i was thinking of positioning a divider in it for the walkers