I have three females and all have produced 100% albino young in the past. Any ideas why the babies are brown now? They are active and healthy otherwise. Thanks!!!!

hence my confusion.....It should be impossible for 2 albino fish to throw a colored fry, if they are the same species.
That was what I was thinking... but didnt want to say since I know little about fish geneticsAzmeaiel wrote:Is it possible that this is an 'incomplete' Albinism in these fish rather tha a 'true' albinism as albino ancistrus are a yellow colour, sometimes with light grey traces on fins rather than the white/pink of a true albino?. I know the gene is the main one that shows up with albino guppys allowing them to be albino with coloured markings. Do the eyes still show up a deep ruby colour on the brown fish or like that of a normal fish?