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Pim pictus with ich

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 22:53
by mrh
I didn't quarantine for long enough ... :(

All the info I can find says that they're prone, but not to use the regular meds.

Any recommendations ... please?

Other fish in the tank : corys (skunk, adolfi, julii), dwarf red honey gourami, black and white skirt tetras, black neon tetras, bosemanis, and a mussel. Water parameters are all well and good.

Help very, very much appreciated.

Posted: 30 Nov 2005, 23:16
by Silurus
The treatments outlined here should work with P. pictus.

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 00:05
by medaka
and a mussel.
before raising the temperature check out which type of freshwater mussel you have. some native British freshwater mussels may not tolerate a high temperature, so it may well be advisable to remove the mussel from the tank prior to raising the temperature.

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 03:28
by Wildfish
The suspense is killing me! I read that entire post, whatever became of those cats? Did the temp hike and meds prevail? Just curious. I appologize for going off topic.

Posted: 01 Dec 2005, 08:09
by mrh
Thankyou for getting back to me so quickly.

I'll remove the mussel, hike the temperature, find a blanket, and try to get some King British.

Thanks again!

Posted: 08 Dec 2005, 17:30
by mrh
It seems to have worked ... no spots, and no fatalities.

Many thanks, guys.