Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
This is the second "Bumblee catfish" I bought this weekend (bought them both together, was assuming them both to be the same species), is it also an M.Siamensis?
That's great news, he's the one I'm after! Many thanks on the ID. Are these guys easy to look after? Do they create much waste? I've just had a filter crash and was wondering if he and the siamensis collectively could have destroyed the filter to the point of my ammonia reading 4.0 within 24 hours? They're in a 20 gallon with a pair of ottos and a south american puffer.
my lfs has a couple of these that are unlabled. is there an easy way to tell them apart from the bigger fish? right now they're around 2in and havnt really grown in 2 months
One easy way to tell Asian and SA bumblebees apart is to look at the snout. Asian bumblebees have more pointed snouts than SA bumblebees, which have broad, flattened snouts.
im pretty sure one is a Microglanis but the other is different. its shorter and has different markings, but still has the flat head. any idea what it is?