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Jaguar PH

Posted: 25 Nov 2005, 18:53
by greenmonkey51
How tolerant are Liosomadoras oncinus of high ph. I want to get one but my ph wont go below 8.

High pH

Posted: 25 Nov 2005, 19:52
by reefcrack
Have you tried Seachem's Acid Regulator? It adjusts your pH to a range of 4.5-6.8
I started using it to lower my pH to 7.0 and it has worked very well. My tap water tests at 7.8 and moderately hard. I too want to keep a L.Oncinus but can't find any! Did you find a source? I would love to know.

Re: Jaguar PH

Posted: 25 Nov 2005, 21:25
by Marc van Arc
greenmonkey51 wrote:How tolerant are Liosomadoras oncinus of high ph. I want to get one but my ph wont go below 8.
Try reefcrack's suggestion to lower the PH. Liosomadoras do feel much more comfortable in water with a PH level of 7 ( or even better 6.5)

Re: Jaguar PH

Posted: 26 Nov 2005, 07:17
by amiidae
greenmonkey51 wrote:How tolerant are Liosomadoras oncinus of high ph. I want to get one but my ph wont go below 8.
they don't seem to do well in water with high PH. may stop feeding and eyes become cloudy.

Had mine (active, feeding well & clear eyes) in water between PH 6 to 6.5.

Posted: 26 Nov 2005, 08:32
by Marc van Arc
Mine are kept in water with a PH level of 7 and doing very well. It may be too much to lower the level from 8 to 6.5; therefore my suggestion to lower to 7.

Jaguar pics

Posted: 26 Nov 2005, 17:09
by reefcrack

Can you post any pics of your Jaguar? I have been looking for this critter for a long time. It seems none of the LFS carry them. What are you feeding? Thanks in advance!

Re: Jaguar pics

Posted: 26 Nov 2005, 18:17
by Marc van Arc
reefcrack wrote:Can you post any pics of your Jaguar?
It's been quite some time since I did that, so bear with me. It may take a while. For the time being, have a look in the Cat-eLog: it's the second picture (top view of the pair in the bucket; I had just bought them in Germany. The male is the one with the bent pectoral spine). The other pictures there are of course also very worthwhile.
reefcrack wrote: I have been looking for this critter for a long time. It seems none of the LFS carry them.
Too bad. I don't know why they don't carry them, but here may be some solutions:
- it may come under its local common name. In Peruvian this is Rego rego, but this name also goes for Platydoras and Megalodoras.... so no guarantees.
- they (LFS) check the wrong family when ordering. A lot of exporters have the Liosomadoras still under Doradidae. In that case, no way you'll find it under Auchenipteridae.
- it may come under its common name, which are for example: jaguar catfish, jaguar woodcat, jaguar cat, jaguar dornwels. Ask the LFS staff to check any fish that has jaguar in its common name.
- I really doubt this one, but it may come under its old Latin name: Arius oncinus.
reefcrack wrote: What are you feeding?
They'll eat almost anything: flakes, pellets, frozen food and small live fish as well, given the opportunity.

I do hope you can lay your hands on them shortly.
Good luck!

Jaguar info

Posted: 27 Nov 2005, 04:38
by reefcrack
Thank you very much for the information on the Jaguar. It was very helpful. I am going to pass this information to my local store and see what they can do. Many thanks!
