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Panaque nigrolineatus L190 Eating habits

Posted: 02 Apr 2003, 22:33
by batho
OK. I have just bought an L190 and it is about 2" and doing well.

Eating pleanty of wood, algae on the glass and cucumber.

I have also read they will eat meat (blood worms, cockles, mussels, etc). Is this true as i understood they were herbivores? Do they actually need this as part of there diet?



Posted: 02 Apr 2003, 23:15
i try to feed my loris as varied a diet as possible...however some seem not to like blackworms, etc...i think you might want to try feeding him some frozen krill or bloodworms, he may not accept it but id be surprise if he didnt relish a little meat now and again...if he has a favorite spot bury a krill or two and observe...otherwise live blackworms/bloodworms seem to be a hit for me...if he hangs out on a piece of driftwood a nice trick is to wedge some krill in the wood near him...i suppose you could try a rubberband as well to hold it down, ive never done it but it could work...however panaques have rasp like teeth in their mouth so hed probably shred my advice try some meat, it cant hurt


Posted: 03 Apr 2003, 00:32
by Rusty
Panaques are one Loricariid genus that do NOT do well on a meaty diet. They have long intestines designed for digesting wood, and these block easily on rich meats. Occasional feedings of shrimp, etc. are OK, but too much will result in indigestion and possibly death, especially if there's not enough wood around.


Posted: 04 Apr 2003, 15:17
AGAIN...i would never recommend feeding any lori meat too often...but as i said bloodworms of a krill or two now and then is my opinion a varied diet is important...i would never offer beef heart...or anything that isnt aquatic, but if you stay away from that stuff and offer some worms once a week i dont think you should find a problem...let us always remember that different fish respond differently for different people...just because something has worked for me does not mean it will be fail safe for you...these forums are designed for us all to share our opinion, none of our answers are infallible, some of us may claim to be experts but in the end we all started the same way, we all keep fish, and we have all made mistakes, we will always try to warn of our mistakes but others may feel opposed to our advice...i think the best advice i could give anyone is...IF IT AINT BROKE DONT FIX other words if youre having success with something, for gods sake dont change it...tell everyone else how youre doing it so those who arent having good luck can try it and eventually find thier fitting solution


My Apologies

Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 16:27
i must say that i am humbled at how arrogant that last post seemed to have come off...such was not my intention and i dont know why i wrote it the way i did...i apologize to rusty especially as my goal wasnt to besmirch your able advice...i guess i was having a bad day :oops: ...anyway i hope no one took offense as this was the last thing i wanted


Posted: 09 Apr 2003, 17:28
by Plec0maniac
Feed your panaques with squash, they love it! And it has plenty of vitamins which is good for your plec... :) your loricariids color will surely brighten up, but beware of the dirt that you'll find the next day.. for panaques for me are the dirtiest among all plecs... :D