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rub marks on new commons head :(

Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 02:30
by magickzzl
my new common brown was a rescue from a tiny tank. and I have noticed, now that his coloring is better and he's more secure, that he has rub marks on either side of his head. Im assuming its from being in a 12 gallon tank full of decore...

what can I do to help him along? is this a big problem? he's eating good (well, havnt SEEN him eat anything but a few nibbles, but he's pooping good, so I guess that means he's eating, right?) and is moving about the tank.. I've never had a plec before, (except one little rubber nose I accidently killed :( ) so I dont know how much is to much or enough movement. Im learning so much!

Its a 40 gallon tank, fully cycled, 3 other occupants, all common goldies, one 1 incher, and 2 5 inchers. nitrates are around 10-15, nitrites 0, ammounia 0. pH is 7.2, no gravel, 2 caves for now (am building a few more hidies) eerrr... think thats about it. my water is fairly nuetral in all respecs (cant remember everything right now)

thank you!