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Other Synos to keep with S. Nigriventris

Posted: 27 Oct 2005, 09:07
by Grimace
hey there,

I've decided im gonig to get around 4-6 S. Nigriventris cause i just love these little cute catties! But i also want some other cats in the tank, otherwise when people see it, there won't be a display fish. (i hav this thing where u HAV to have a wow-factor fish) I was thinking maybe an S. Eupterus, but they might get nippy. Oh yeah, im also gonan keep maybe a shoal of Cardinal Tetra.

My tank is 40gallons, 3' across, 1' deep, has a lot of wood on the bottom and some, but hopefully more anubias on the way.

PLEEEEASE, any ideas are great!