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unexplained cory death

Posted: 30 Mar 2003, 02:32
by oneoddfish
I have had severale newer 1week or so i've had them . just start dying I know it's not water quality or being killed .the only visible thing is one or two had a redness to the gill's andsome redness to body by anal fin.They sit at bottom with out moving lose there balance and it seem's they lose ability to control there swimming then they lay on there side and pant 3-5hrs. then death comes.. is it a gill fungus,gill parasite...any help will be greatly appreciated!!!!

Posted: 06 Apr 2003, 08:44
by Yann

It looks like a bacterial infection to me!

Posted: 07 Apr 2003, 19:33
by Bathos
it could be septicemia, a bacterial infection. there are lots of medications you can use. i've had luck with maracyn2.


cory death

Posted: 08 Apr 2003, 02:10
by oneoddfish
thank's would tetracycline be affective for this problem?

Posted: 11 Apr 2003, 00:19
by Nautica
I had two cories in quarantine after bringing them home. Same thing. My eyes aren't the best, unless I get right up close to them which I couldn't do at the lfs. I brought them home, put them in q-tine and had a perception even while they were in the bag that they seemed off, but thought it was just the stress of the move. The other cories I brought home were still all of 15 minutes before they congregated and started exploring their new home. These didn't they were just still.

One had bad coloring and both had a small blood point at the base of one or both pec fins. I put melafix in thinking it was from the net as one had gotten stuck at the lfs. I noticed the heavy breathing the next day. Ammonia, nitrite, were 0, and nitrate at <10ppm. They still weren't active that day, but I thought they were just taking catnaps. However, I noticed they hadn't changed positions, for up to 10-12 hours at a time. The next morning I saw another small area of blood on the side of one and with that began treatment with Maracyn and Maracyn 2 at normal strength.

6 hours later, one had lost his orientation and was on his side. After watching him slowly expiring for 5 hours, I finally euthanized him with a solution of vodka and clove oil. At that time, I noticed the other one was also disoriented and had a much larger blood patch that had developed above one of the pec fins and behind the gill. I decided to euthanize him rather than let him suffer.

I believe it was some type of septicemia. I have since learned that a better treatment probably would have been something like Mardel's Tri-Sulfa or other sulfa based antibiotic. If you still have more cories getting sick, you may want to try this. I was told by another lfs that sulfa drugs seem to work better for septicemia.

The lfs offered to replace free of charge, but I am hesitant to take any more from them as septicemia needs a pretty bad environment to break out in. He had the fish for one month before I got them.

Posted: 12 Apr 2003, 12:56
by philtre
Bathos wrote:it could be septicemia, a bacterial infection. there are lots of medications you can use. i've had luck with maracyn2.

Hi bathos,

I suppose with the lots of medications that you mentioned, it would be antibiotics? would appreciate if you could share a little bit more with regards to this as I know of one little fella who has a red spot on the belly... which does indeed looks like infection to me (untrained eyes).

thanks very much in advance!


Posted: 15 Apr 2003, 14:01
by Bathos
yup, antibiotics. fish i got never had so much redness and bleeding though. i guess i either caught it real early (i'm pretty observant when it comes to my fish) or for some reason the infection wasn't as bad.

Nautica: do you know when the fish got to the LFS? my favorite LFS generally sells their more unusual cories in a day or less. if the fish got to the LFS the same day you bought them, they could've been in bad conditions at the wholesaler's place.
