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Ideas for a 90

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 16:36
by Grubby Sculpin
Id like some catfish ideas for my 90. Ive got 6 small central american cichlids in there now. I was hoping for a jaguar cat but Im finding them very tough to come by. There are a couple bumblebee cats at a store near me but I think my cichlids would fit into their mouths right now. Any ideas will be appreciated.

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 17:07
by Sescil
I know how it feels to have a bumblebee chow down on other tankmates. My 6 inch bumblebee ate my 8 inch L-14 !!! Oh well ... Wood cats are cool. Although I have a few and they're all but invisible. I would try a group of pictus cats myself.

Posted: 07 Oct 2005, 23:45
by medaka
How about a few Dorads like a group of Hassar's, a couple of the larger Callichthydae's, like the hoplo cats would look great or even some large Brochis cats and they are all quite active swimmers.

Posted: 06 Feb 2006, 00:45
by SorubimLima
Hey Grubby Sculpin,have you considered a big school of maybe 4-6 pictus? Active fish, get a decent size, and very pretty. Another thing is maybe a couple of Farlowella Acus if you need an algae eater. If cost was not an issue another good pim would be Pimelodidae ornatus, the ornate pim like a pictus only with a higher price($60-$70), but they have to be kept singly. Also, what kind of c*****ds do you have? Something like an oscar would beat up or eat the pictus or acus, but something like a firemouth, or angel would most likely be fine. Hope I could be of some help.
Sorubim Lima