Any particular "look" you're after?
Rarity is very much a case of locality as well, since some fish are mainly imported to the US or to Japan, missing out Europe and UK. Others are more frequently in the UK and rarely getting to the US for instance.
High pH is probably ACCEPTABLE (but not ideal) to many south american catfish, but the ideal ones for this condition would be the Lake Tanganyika Synodontis species.
would be a good choice. Of course, they aren't exactly RARE, but not that common either.
Other candidates that could work are any of the large number of smaller pleco's. Almost any Peckoltia specie would be small enough to keep in that tank, as would Ancistrus species, as well as Hypancistrus. They range from really common
to unavailable at prices under £200
. Peckoltia's are mostly reasonably prices, but availability varies depending on specie.
The tank would be a little bit small for any of the Pimelodus species, except perhaps
, but that is very common, so maybe not such a good suggestion.
All sorts of Corydoras species are available too. They range from very common to completely unavailable (prices, apparently, in the hundreds or more for some of the rarest species. Of course finding someone who's got one may be more difficult than finding the famous rocking horse poo).
There are literally hundreds of other species that would work well too.
Here's a list of all Genera that are available on Planet Catfish.
A 30g tank is usually around 3 foot long and a little more than a foot wide & high, so you can have fish that grows to about 6-7" in it without them being cramped in there.