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Who's bred L260 and LDA-08

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 01:31
by laurab5
I know that you have been following my journey on the attempt of spawning these, I have but it was infertile. So, how many of you out there have bred these and how many times, same with the LDA-08

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 14:39
by zebraplec
My queens breed on a regular basis but Claro's (LDA08) are doing diddly :( . I remember reading here a while ago that Barbie had bread both of these so if your around Barbie I would also like some information of breeding the Claro :)

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 15:04
by laurab5
I have spawned the L260 once. And Barbie has pretty much told me everything. As for the claros, i will pm you.

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 15:13
by MatsP
laurab5 wrote:As for the claros, i will pm you.
<soapbox mode on>
Is this the "secrets that you're not supposed to tell anyone"? If you have anything that someone else may benefit from, I think it should be told in the forum.

PM's are for PERSONAL communication, not for spreading information that others may have use of.

The reason this forum is successfull is that there are a lot of people here who share information. That stops to work if everyone starts using PM to talk, rather than the forum itself.

Additionally, others with different thoughts can then comment on what you write, which can improve the chances of getting it right.
<soapbox mode off>


Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 15:59
by laurab5
Ok, gemsonthebottom breeds these guys and is very successful with them. If he reads this maybe he will post pictures of his tank setups and his claros.

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 19:09
by Barbie
I've posted a VERY long, VERY information saturated thread here about spawning the L260. To anyone that pm's me questions about the L260, I always direct them there, and if you have questions that aren't immediately resolved by reading the thread, feel free to post them there, so that I can clarify and then still have one source of information to pass on to the next people that have questions. Do a search for L260 posted by Barbie and it's right there at the top of the list. Yes, I can link people to it, but then they don't learn how to use that wonderful feature that can find them so much information!

My LDA08 are treated like any other ancistrus in my house. They live in my tap water (the parameters of which are covered in the L260 post in depth), at 78 degrees. They have small round caves with a single door, and they've spawned 4 or 5 times. They fry are smaller and a bit more sensitive to aggression than other ancistrus, with small broods of fry that would expected from such small parents, IMO. Rainy seasons can help stimulate them to spawn, as can an abundance of varied foods to encourage conditioning.

I agree completely with Mats about information being shared in the public forum. I never mind clarification questions being pm'd to me, and I get quite a few, but when people ask me questions that I've already answered numerous times on the board, I am usually tempted to just delete them. I spend all the time I do here because I want to help people, but it's most frustrating when the same people refuse to help themselves!

Laurab5 I've repeatedly asked you to formulate distinct questions. Is there something exactly you need help with in getting these fish to breed that you can't find in the Ancistrinae Internet Lecture? The Reproduction lecture by Larry? Maybe the articles about spawning them in Shane's World? My post about the L260 I spawned personally missed some tidbit you don't understand? THOSE I don't mind answering. Clarification is great, but last week you were telling people you spawn L260 and how this is the way you always do it, now this week you're asking again how you should. It's very frustrating from a time wasted stand point, IMO.


Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 20:05
by zebraplec
Thank you Barbie for the LDA08 information! Is there any chance you could post a picture of the caves you use? I normally use the plain slate oblong caves for my BN's but the Claro's don't seem interested in them at all. One of my Albino BN males wont spawn in anything but a Spawning Cave that is intended for dwarf cichlids and I am woundering if your caves look anything like these (its the last item on the page). Many thanks

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 20:07
by laurab5
I was just seeing how many people have bred these species. I do0n't have any questions on breeding them.

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 20:47
by gemsonthebottom
As I have told you before the tank is a 20 long bare bottom with 3" clay pots & saucers as caves, a couple of pieces of driftwood Penguin Bio-Wheel, 4 airstones. Tap water very hard Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate between 0-5.0 from the tap, Temp 80. 40% water change Bi-Weekly. I simulate a rainy season with RO water and temp drop.I feed a variety of foods Hikari Algae Wafers,
TetraMin Variety Wafers,TetraMin Tropical Tablets,a variety of flake food,zucchini,cucumber,fruit,Bloodworms,BrineShrimp
Seeing how I have already told you all of this I do not know what else you want?

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 21:31
by laurab5
Sorry, I still have that info somewhere. But this was for zebraplec. I forgot about that information since it has been so long since I read it. Maybe you could post your tank setup for him. Really zebrapleco all you need is a 10 gallon for a trio, some driftwood and a pot or saucer the gemsonthebottom said, and patience. You really don't have to stimulate them with a rainy season. Just a varied diet like barbie said.

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 21:38
by zebraplec
laurab5 wrote: Maybe you could post your tank setup for him.
I'm a she last time I looked!

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 23:18
by laurab5
Sorry, I know, I was thinking of a very similar name on pleco fanatics

Posted: 23 Sep 2005, 23:40
by Barbie
Laurab5, if you're going to quote what I said, please do just that. I actually said you CAN use rainy seasons if you're having trouble getting them started. I wasn't "working" with mine when they started spawning, they were just ready before I was. If you haven't actually spawned a fish, PLEASE do NOT give advice about doing it! If you're quoting a source, or something you read somewhere, do just that. Quote it! Point people to the information you used to base your opinion, so they can form their own, and not just get half of the story!


Posted: 24 Sep 2005, 00:19
by pureplecs
smokin When I was curious about what other folks were up to with this species of fish, I did a search for them on this website and there are like so many threads I couldn't even go through them all. Most of them with good advice from Barbie... :mrgreen: