I have a 20g housing an ancistrus, 4 platys, 5 c. panda and 7 lampeyes. Recently I've been checking the tank in the morning to find some of the pandas with their tails and dorsal fins split and damaged. I thought this might be down to bullying by one of the platys during feeding. I've started putting food in when the rrom is in total darkness and the tank lights are off so the pandas can feed without aggression from the platys but it's still happenning. Could it be the ancistrus? He's 2 years old, about 3-4" long and has been aggressive in the past. the food I've been dropping in at night consists of frozen bloodworm/brineshrimp, catfish pellets and tetra min. I didn't think these would interest the ancistrus. I feed the ancistrus blanched courgette and green beans and the pandas sometimes eat the courgette so perhaps he's fighting them off this (although the injuries occur when there's no green food in the tank as well). Any help would be appreciated as I#ve lost pandas due to these injuries.