
All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Post by dukydaf »

My 2 Mehgalechis are breeding( some info ... h/14_f.php)

There are a male and a female ( the male has somehow red on his abdominal fins).They are about 18months old. They had been fed for the last 2 days with blackworms and pellets)
I mean why should they not breed?

The bubble nest is under my front longitudinal glass bar and there is no fish alllowed to get near the spot.

Somehing white and cone shaped has came out from the males ---- and now it's hanging on is it the reproductive organ?

What should i do?
Can i move the babies out formthe aquarium once they hatch?
Move the parents and wait to build another bubble nest?

Some opinions needed.
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This time is for real

Post by dukydaf »

False alarm. The male built the bubble nest but i suspect the gouramy distroyed his nest so he killed both my gouramis and some angels.

This time it is for real i can see the eggs they are like cory's eggs.

So how do i get them out from my community tank and when?
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Post by kkorotev »

I'm sorry I didn't get to this post sooner..

I expect you aready know there's no need to pull the fry. The male will guard them, if he can, with the same intensity he guarded the spawning site.

I count my Megalechis spawning experience as a hi-light...and suspect you will too. Very cool.

Kevin Korotev
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My megalechis eats his eggs

Post by dukydaf »

I don't know about you but my megalechis ate the eggs. Only one egg remained i pulled it out and a baby hatched but he died a few hours after that. Now i'm retraing it. My pair has spawend this night and i got 1/2 eggs that were in the nest and put them in a 2 litre icecream like recepient and hide it from the light.(I suspect thath they don't need light to hatch) I'll keep this updated if God allows the fry to grow.
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