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petricola fry

Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 23:09
by hazard
Okay, I got a batch of eggs to hatch but I lost the fry after a few days. They just started to slowly disappear. I put the eggs in a 15g with 2 box filters and add some methalblue for fungus. No carbon in the box filters.

Any suggestions on how to keep them alive?


Posted: 08 Sep 2005, 02:32
by caught1
Keeping them alive now that's the hard part....
I would be interested to know the temperature of your fish room as I have little success keeping them alive in the higher temperatures of summer.I had 5 good dwarf hatches and 1 giant hatch of the larger ones this winter and spring but once June came all seemed to die even after hatching.It's so bad I quit checking them ,pretty much out of room for them anyway.I am interested to know if others are having the same problem, you would think with where they come from they could handle the heat but maybe they only spawn in the cooler temps in the runoff areas in the lake.

Posted: 08 Sep 2005, 03:42
by hazard
My fishroom is in the basement and room stays at 74 degrees and I have the tanks set at 79 degrees. 30 fish tanks and dehumidifier seem to heat the basement alittle.

Posted: 08 Sep 2005, 15:24
by Barbie
While I know they LOOK like they still have yolk sac after a day, they do not. Try feeding them. Microworms, larval formula foods that are VERY fine and the like work wonders. I had the same problem, actually. You'll find they are tougher than you think, they just also need fed earlier than it looks like they do! Good luck! :)


Posted: 08 Sep 2005, 17:55
by hazard
I will try that Barbie


Raising Pet fry.

Posted: 27 Oct 2005, 03:55
by Lemmonhead
Try this, after you notice them hatching, put them in a lg. picture window breeder box with a fine mesh breeder net(Lee's) inside it. You want really good aeration in the tank. I put a stone in the net. You don't need to feed them for a few days. They don't develope mouths till then. After a few days, start them on A.P.R., you can find it at Wet Thumb Aquatics. After a few weeks, you can start them on Cyclops. I keep my water temp @ 80 deg. ph around 8.0. I've had great success with this method. I hope it helps you out. :wink: