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Akysis maculipinnis?

Posted: 23 Aug 2005, 16:16
by Dinyar
Bought as Akysis maculipinnis, but is it really? They're bigger than I expected, at least 3 cm, 1.5 inches.


Posted: 23 Aug 2005, 16:28
by Silurus
Looks like it.

Posted: 23 Aug 2005, 16:59
by Dinyar
Thanks for the ID, Silurus. Is this sp. often seen in the trade? Hadn't seen any pix of A. maculipinnis on Catelog, etc, which led me to some scepticism...

Posted: 23 Aug 2005, 17:12
by Silurus
If exporters are bringing fish out of Chantaburi (SE Thailand), then it's a matter of time before this species gets collected.

Posted: 23 Aug 2005, 17:37
by kamphol
Fishery was always there (2-3 yrs ago), but it started at the same time as when the more brightly colored A. vespa (then undescribed) made its debut.
In fact enough of a fishery that albino specimens have shown up from time to time. Here, different types of albinism in two egg-laden (green eggs) femmes.