hi from sweden

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hi from sweden

Post by Gummo »

im new here and i just wanna say hi.
been here so many times gathering so much useful info on my catfishes and tank setup (im trying to arrange my first rivertank...) and so much more. so thanks, and keep it coming!
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Post by MatsP »

Hi Gummo,

I'm from Sweden too, originally, but I live in England since about 10 years back.

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Post by bronzefry »

Welcome to Planet Catfish, Gummo! Best wishes with your new river tank. What size will it be?
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Post by Gummo »

130x50x50cm - 325L, which is about 90gallons i think.
im slowly building up the river, i just came home here to find out that my new aquaclear 802 waiting for me in the post office... think ill go to the tankset up forum and get some good advices.

o mats, nu är det dax för kräftskiva! det saknar du nog lite va...?
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Post by MatsP »

Kräftskiva: [let's switch to english so others can enjoy our conversations]. Crayfish parties are around this time in Sweden. My family never had one, don't know why... But I've been to a few, and it's fun. Nice food, a bit too much work tho, and I'm not that keen on the Brännvin (strong, potato based alchohol for those non-Swedish on the site). But that's me...

You can actually get crayfish in England, [and definitely catch it in the rivers too]. Obviously, this country have the same crayfish pest that Sweden has, so you mostly get the non-endemic specie that was introduced some time ago [decardes].

In fact, I've seen crayfish in the river that runs by my fiancees parents house. Could probably catch enough to hold a big party if I went a little down the road to the bigger river branch. But I'm not keen enough to do that.

Crayfish in the supermarket isn't easy to find, and if you find it, it's not whole crayfish, but usually only the tail.

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Post by TalenT »

Hi Gummo. Welcome to Planet Catfish!

Always nice to meet a fellow Swede on the forum. May I ask where in Sweden you live? And you too, MatsP, where in Sweden did you grow up?

I live in Växjö (Southern Sweden) but I was born and raised in Norrland (Northern Sweden). Where we have another strange tradition: eating "Surströmming", which is rotten fish!!! :P Accompanied by the usual "Brännvin", ofcourse.

I have never tried "Surströmming" and I probably never will, could never stand the smell! But I wouldn't say no to the "Brännvin" :)
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Post by Gummo »

ok,.. my parents live in alvesta, just outside växjö, so i know the place. im there visiting every once in a while. but now i live in malmö, which is even further south in sweden, just a bridge from copenhagen, which is nice.

well tomorrow is the crayfish party and ive got my brännvin in the cooler. :D
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Post by barksten »

I would also like to say hi.
I've been hanging around here for years but never posted anything (I'm not that comfortable with writing in english).
I live in Gävle, I dont like surströmming nor kräftor. I try to stay away from eating catfish dishes :)
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Post by TalenT »

well tomorrow is the crayfish party and ive got my brännvin in the cooler.
hahaha, sweet! :D

btw, You're not the guy from Malmö, who's been to our LFS in Växjö looking for L-numbers and certain Panaque sp. are you?

Hi barksten. So, how is life in Gävle? Any particular interest in catfishes?
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Post by Gummo »

well, that might be me... but i must say that i dont know what "LFS" is... Local fish shop?
ive been up in växjö doing some carpenting job for a friend during spring and last fall, and when im there i always try to pay a visit to the fishboutiqes that you have up there.
which means that we will probably meet again... cause im still looking for a nice panaque

and hi to barksten to, nice to see that theres some ppl from sweden here.
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Post by TalenT »

LFS = Local Fish Store. I work in the only one in town (without mentioning names) who only sells fish, no other pets (well perhaps the occasional amphibian/reptile).

Regarding Panaques; we have got a little bit of a "mystery" species in the store right now. Was sold to us under the name "Panaque sp. Peru". I've never seen anything like it, nor had the catfish-guy 8) at the importers. It's about 5cm long. And shows a quite contrasting mottled pattern in greyish brown and black, some spots here and there, especially in the fins (if i remember correctly, not at work right now). My best guess is a juvenile L-90 , but I don't think that it looks so much like the pictures I've seen of juvenile L-90s.

Gotta get myself a digital camera, would have been good to post a picture on the "What is my catfish?" part of this forum.
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Post by MatsP »

barksten wrote:I would also like to say hi.
I've been hanging around here for years but never posted anything (I'm not that comfortable with writing in english).
I live in Gävle, I dont like surströmming nor kräftor. I try to stay away from eating catfish dishes :)
Your english is as good as many native english speakers (if not better ;-) that frequent this forum. [But that may not be why you're not comfortable, of course, or maybe you spent the last three days with a dictionary and english grammer book to make sure that there wasn't any mistakes in your text].

I do eat catfish when I'm in the US, as it's a fairly commonly farmed food-fish there. Never seen catfish for food purposes sold in this country [england].

And for TalenT, Surströmming is actually, technically, fermented, not "rotten". Sure, it's just a different way of "going off", but equally, most people drink fermented grapes or barley (as in Wine and Beer) without complaining too much about the process involved in producing it. [Not that I in the least like Surströmming, and I think almost all of those who consume it, do so in an excuse to drink Brännvin, rather than because it tastes nice. But I've been told several times that this is NOT the cause for drinking along with eating Surströmming...].

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Post by Gummo »

yepp, TalenT, now i know who you are!
and yes, it is me who has been in your store, ( i know the name of it too...) and looking for nice catfishes. and this panaque sounds interesting, and it would be nice if you could post a picture of it so i could see it, and, as you said, then maybe you could figure out more about it and find out exactly what kind of panaque it is. otherwise ill just have to drop by next time i go and visit my parents.

and when it comes to surströmming, then im out. cant stand the smell, and all the beer, wine whiskey brännvin in the world wouldnt make me eat it.
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Post by barksten »

MatsP wrote: Your english is as good as many native english speakers (if not better ;-) that frequent this forum. [But that may not be why you're not comfortable, of course, or maybe you spent the last three days with a dictionary and english grammer book to make sure that there wasn't any mistakes in your text].

I do eat catfish when I'm in the US, as it's a fairly commonly farmed food-fish there. Never seen catfish for food purposes sold in this country [england].

I didn't use any books, I was just tapping my keyboard very slowly.

I've also only seen catfish as food when I was in US. None at the table belived me when I told them how much I have payed for my catfish in my aquariums.
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Post by TalenT »

MatsP. Ok, so "fermented" is the correct word. Does that translate to the swedish words "jäst, att jäsa"?

Anyway, it sure smells rotten. :)

And wine or beer does not smell anything like surströmming, the only connection there would be that maybe some people smell like surströmming the day after they drank beer, or at least they feel that they might smell like surströmming, or they feel like they are surströmming. :lol:

have never had catfish for dinner, but i've seen it on the menu at a thai-restaurant in Luleå.
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