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Feeding Multipuncatus

Posted: 13 Aug 2005, 23:03
by Manofsnow
I've heard many ways of adding gelatin to a frozen mixture of foods for our catfish. What do you add to the mixture and what is your process of making the food?

Posted: 14 Aug 2005, 10:14
by Marc van Arc
Just curious, but why would you add gelatin to fishfood??

Posted: 14 Aug 2005, 15:22
by sidguppy
It's a trick to keep the food "together" without it clouding the water and polluting the tank.

the famous "shrimp-mix"* for example, has a bit of gelatin in it.
small amounts of gelatin won't hurt; it's basically the same as flour or oatmeal, so it'll digest. but you need to use only truly small amounts!

can you tell us exactly what you're trying to attempt?
wich kind of frozen food? what ingredients?

*shrimp-mix is a frozen food consisting of peas, unpeeled shrimps, spirulina and a bit of gelatin. it's blendered and made into flat plates.
it's a famous quality-food used by keepers and breeders of Tropheus, Mbuna's, L-numbers and so on.
it should be thawed WITHOUT water at roomtemperature (because gelatine liquifies over 25'C) and fed by plucking bits off the plate.
my granny's love that stuff and I can handfeed them with this food.

Posted: 14 Aug 2005, 16:19
by Manofsnow
I've been given a reciepe from Paul Turley as well as looked at the European shrimp mix. Do you just blend all your ingredients and then freeze? Is there more to it...this is where I am confused. Thanks

Posted: 16 Aug 2005, 03:05
by pturley
After you blend everything together, add the geletin. Let it chill in the refrigerator to solidify. Then freeze it.

If you freeze it too soon, it won't hold together.