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Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 10:52
by Owch
I've just adopted 4 of these little beauties and have set them up in a 150l (33gal) tank. I want to breed them at some point and want to know the tried and tested methods of the experts.

Current water perameters:

pH = 6.6
kH = 70ppm
gH = 40ppm
ammonia = 0.0ppm
nitrites = 0.0ppm
nitrates = <5ppm
temperature = 30celcius (86*f)
Juwel internal filter (may get an external if necessary)
Sand substrate, a few plants, 1 piece of bog wood to chew on and soon there will be some caves (best dimensions would be helpful).

Current tank mates are:

2 Clown Loaches
1 Weather Loach
1 Flying Fox
4 Giouramis (three spot)
2 Upside down catfish
2 Zebra Snails

Ill post some pictures of the L333's soon and see if we can get them sexed!



Posted: 12 Aug 2005, 13:04
by laurab5
These are very similar to L260 and L066. Go read the article's in Shane's World about these.

Posted: 25 Aug 2005, 17:56
by Owch
What I'm after is a set of dimensions for a cave so I can build some out of slate, and hopefully use these as breeding caves.

Ive just got a load of high quality slate floor tile's (my Dad is a carpet fitter and floorer) :D , and a couple of bits of roof slate from the local roofer's. I also have a big tube of aquarium sealant - time to start building.

Here's some photos of the possy! Not sure sexes so if anyone is willing to give them a gender I'd be most greatful.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

The coin is an English 10pence piece (almost exactly the same size as an American Quarter)

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 21:11
by Owch
Well, today I built 3 little slate homes for the L333's.

2 were 2"x1.5"x6" and 1 was 1.5"x1"x6". I think the 1.5x1 is going to be too small, but it looks good in the tank, and a flying fox and weather loach are in the process of claiming it for themselves.

One of the bigger ones already has an occupant, an L333. So, job done there. The other big one has had some interest form one of the remaining 3 L333's, but he seems happier to dig a hole under it.

Some pictures:-

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Sorry about the quality, the water is a little hazy at the moment, Ive just been shifting things aroung and the sand still kick's up some fines. And Im a little crap at taking tank photos. :wink: It must be the camera. :lol:

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 22:12
by laurab5
I know this will be a pain, but it appears that these are sexable size. If you could get some shots of each ones side and top we could sex them.

Posted: 26 Aug 2005, 23:16
by Owch
Ill try my best.

Posted: 03 Sep 2005, 12:43
by Owch
Right, photos of each individual fish, although they are not great, sorry.

Fish 1
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Fish 2
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Fish 3
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Fish 4
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

I think I've either got 1 male and 3 females or vice versa (but I'm no expert......yet) :D , Fish 3 has a more elongated nose so I think this is the odd one out, although I'm probably completely wrong.

All the fish like to hide and dig, but 1 won't go in the caves I have, the other 3 stay in the caves and only come out to feed. Fish 3 has found the smallest cave and can just squeeze in head first, the other 2 can turn round in their caves, cave sizes are 2 @ 2" wide by 1.5" high by 6" long and 1 @ 1.5" wide by 1" high by 6" long.

From reading the Cat-Elog, the wider headed ones may be females, but it also says put down caves and the ones that stay in the caves are males, so I'm a little confused.

So if the experts could give the photos the once over and tell me if I need to go on the hunt for some male/females to swap, as what I'm after is 1 male and 3 females, or maybe 2 of each.

Thanks, and happy sexing :shock: :lol:


Posted: 03 Sep 2005, 16:34
by tank11
I was told that it's the males that like the caves they'll spent 95 % of there time in a cave..

Posted: 03 Sep 2005, 18:26
by Barbie
Males will definitely be the ones using the caves. Females do not unless they are trying to convince a male to let them in. Any cave big enough they can get in and turn around will be too large for spawning, IME. You'll want to build some smaller ones that they fit comfortably in. Just wide and tall enough to fit their frame and allow them to wiggle their way in and out works best.


Posted: 03 Sep 2005, 20:38
by Owch
So 3 males and 1 female it is then! Bugger. What suggestions would you have on good group sizes, should I just try to get some females to add to the group, or should I look to swapping the males and increase the number of females. The tank is a Juwel Rio 180, 101cm(w) x 41cm(d) x 50cm(h).



Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 17:45
by laurab5
I would trade a male for a female and then by 2 more females, for a 2/4 ratio. And good luck. My female L260 is really wanting to breed, she will go into a males cave for a few minutes, then he will kick her out.

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 17:55
by Owch
Good Luck with your L260's.

Im going to have to hunt for some more L333's in my area then, thats a good excuse to get some more fish :D


Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 19:04
by Barbie
You have a female, there's absolutely no reason you won't be able to get fry with the fish you already have. The ration of 2 females per male is strictly for the optimal amount of fry for your buck, basically.


Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 19:39
by Owch
Barbie wrote:You have a female, there's absolutely no reason you won't be able to get fry with the fish you already have. The ration of 2 females per male is strictly for the optimal amount of fry for your buck, basically.

Shhhhsh, Ive just told the wife that I absolutley have to get more females and pretty much convinced her.

But if things will be OK with the one female, I may just wait and see.

Posted: 05 Sep 2005, 23:35
by Barbie
LOL! I'm perfectly fine with enabling more fish purchases, but I just thought you should know you didn't have to ;).
